Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America! You look great for 238!
On July 4, 1776 a declaration was sent from Philadelphia, PA, the then capitol of the fledgling 13 colonies. It was sent to King George III in jolly old England and it was on. From that moment for the next seven years, Americans fought perilously for independence and sovereignty from Britain. We won.

Thanks to General George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and so many others, we live here today in still the greatest free nation on planet Earth. We are far from perfect, but it is that imperfection that we continue to struggle with today, together as Americans, defending the inalienable rights that our Forefathers fought and died for, that continues to make this country great today.

Today, more than any other, I am proud to be an American. Have a great, happy, and SAFE Fourth of July!



PS - For a complete list of GREAT celebrations and fireworks - Click Here & Enjoy!

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